Department of Archaeology

The Archaeology Department was established in 1992, considering the archaeological importance of the eastern parts of the Mediterranean region. After providing its academic and technical infrastructure, the Archaeology Department started accepting students in 1998 and has been providing Master's Degree education since 2002 and Doctorate education since 2006.

There are 3 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 1 Assistant Professor, and 1 Lecturer in the Department. The faculty members working in our department were determined according to their areas of expertise and started their duties. In addition to the basic courses required for archaeology, our faculty members who transfer the knowledge of their areas of expertise at undergraduate and graduate levels ensure the enrichment of the program. The fact that both Latin and Ancient Greek courses are given in the Department ensures that our Department has an international character.

While the architecture, sculpture, ceramics and other small daily life findings of the Greek and Roman Civilizations within the scope of Classical Archaeology are examined in detail in our curriculum, attention is paid to the consideration of this data together with the history, political and social development of the period, and also its philosophy. The earlier (Protohistory) and later (Early Christianity and Byzantium) ages are also examined in our curriculum. In addition, the archaeology of the region (Cilicia), which has been little researched, has started to take its place in the literature at the international scientific level after our Department was founded. Courses, trips and international symposiums related to the region enable our Department to train students in this field and to transfer knowledge at the international level. Within this framework, the Cilicia Archaeology Research Center (KAAM) was established to conduct research on the archaeology of the region. In addition, there are archaeological excavations carried out by our department. With these excavations, our students are provided with practical training.

Uzuncaburç (Diocaesarea) Excavation,

Akkale Ancient Port Settlement Excavation,

Cilicia Archaeology Research Center (KAAM),

OLBA International Index Scientific Journal,

Mersin Rural Settlements research,

Tarsus Hinterland Archaeological Surface Research,

Publications in International Scientific Journals(last two years)

3. Alkaç, E.; Tomay, B. . ADALYA, 2023, , 149-169.
2. AydınoÄŸlu, Ã.; Belge, B. . OLBA, 2023, , 61-78.
1. Kaplan, D.; Ulvi, A.; YiÄŸit, A. . OLBA, 2023, 31, 79-96.

    •   Contact
  • Department Address:
    Çiftlikköy Kampüsü, Ä°nsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi A1 Blok Mersin