Department of Press and Public Relations

Genel Görünüm

Mersin University Press and Public Relations Branch Directorate operates in order to fulfill an administrative function consisting of conscious and planned communication efforts carried out to gain the interest, positive opinion and support of the groups with which the university interacts, and to establish and maintain the institutional reputation of the university in every field.

University staff, students, higher education institutions, other universities, public institutions, press organizations and local people have been determined as the main target audience of our university in public relations activities. The criteria of this target audience are constantly updated according to the people and organizations that have the ability to form public opinion in various communication platforms in which the university is involved.

In this context, the Press and Public Relations Branch Directorate represents the institution and its public relations policy on behalf of the top manager, establishes and develops the link between the public and the institution, along with the planned activities specified in the services section.

With the awareness of being the window and showcase of Mersin University, which has succeeded in establishing a reputable corporate identity and has achieved international quality standards in every field, the Press and Public Relations Branch Directorate continues its work meticulously within its own working infrastructure and scope of responsibility, with its expert staff and dynamic understanding of duty.

The Press and Public Relations Branch Directorate consists of the following units: 

1- Press and Public Relations Branch Manager

2- Photo - Video Service

3- Graphic Design Service 

4- News Service

5- Public Relations Service

6- Administrative Affairs and Registry Service

"A World University In The Light of Science and Modernity"