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Mersin Üniversitesi

Ders Bilgileri

Kodu Dönemi Teori Uygulama Ulusal Kredisi AKTS Kredisi
Saat / Hafta
ÇEK409 Fall 3 0 3 5
Ön Koşulu Olan Ders( ler ) None
Dili en
Türü Required
Seviyesi Bachelor's
Öğretim Elemanı( ları ) Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan Ejder TEMİZ
Öğretim Sistemi Face to Face
Önerilen Hususlar None
Staj Durumu None
Amacı The aim of this course is to draw general therotical framework of occupational health and safety and analyze the contemporary developments.
İçeriği In this course, concept of occupational health and safety, causes and prevention of work accident and occupational diseases, law regulations of occupational health and safety, responsibility about occupational health and safety, sanctions and controls occupational health and safety will be discussed.

Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları

# Öğrenim Çıktıları
1 can learn basic consepts about occupational health and safety
2 explain ocupational health and safety importance
3 know work accident and occupational diseases measures
4 has basic law information about occupational health and safety
5 know applications about occupational health and safety in Turkey
6 know developments about occupational health and safety in the world
7 learn international standarts about occupational health and safety
8 care about culture of occupational safety

Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği

# Konular Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri
1 Historical development of occupational health and safety Lecture, question and discussion
2 Historical development of occupational health and safety Lecture, question and discussion
3 Causes of work accident and occupational diseases Lecture, question and discussion
4 Prevention of work accident and occupational diseases Lecture, question and discussion
5 Regulations of occupational health and safety Lecture, question and discussion
6 Problems experienced in application about OHSAS in Turkey Lecture, question and discussion
7 Legal basis of employer’s obligations for protecting employee Lecture, question and discussion
8 Mid-Term Solution questions
9 Legal responsibility of employers Lecture, question and discussion
10 Legal sanctions Lecture, question and discussion
11 Work safety control Lecture, question and discussion
12 Organizations of work safety control. Lecture, question and discussion
13 Control of occupational health and safety in Turkey Lecture, question and discussion
14 Risk Assessment and OHSAS/TS18001 Lecture, question and discussion
15 Culture of occupational safety Lecture, question and discussion
16 Final Exam Solution questions


# Malzeme / Kaynak Adı Kaynak Hakkında Bilgi Referans / Önerilen Kaynak
1 İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği, Hasan Nüvit Gerek. TC. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını, Eskişehir, 2006.
2 İş sağlığı ve güvenliği mevzuatı, İsa Karakaş. Ankara 2007
3 İş Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği Ders Notları, Türk-İş. Ankara, 2007.
4 İşçi Sağlığı-İş Güvenliği İş Emniyeti, Memduh Yelekçi. Ankara 2005.
5 İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği Dersleri, Kadir Arıcı. Ankara 1999

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi

# Ağırlık Çalışma Türü Çalışma Adı
1 0.4 1 1. Mid-Term Exam
2 0.6 5 Final Exam

Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları ve Program Yeterlilikleri ile İlişkileri

# Öğrenim Çıktıları Program Çıktıları Ölçme ve Değerlendirme
1 can learn basic consepts about occupational health and safety 3͵4 1͵2
2 explain ocupational health and safety importance 3͵4͵6 1͵2
3 know work accident and occupational diseases measures 3͵4 1͵2
4 has basic law information about occupational health and safety 3͵4 1͵2
5 know applications about occupational health and safety in Turkey 3͵4 1͵2
6 know developments about occupational health and safety in the world 3͵4͵11 1͵2
7 learn international standarts about occupational health and safety 3͵4 1͵2
8 care about culture of occupational safety 3͵4͵15 1͵2

Not: Ölçme ve Değerlendirme sütununda belirtilen sayılar, bir üstte bulunan Ölçme ve Değerlerndirme Sistemi başlıklı tabloda belirtilen çalışmaları işaret etmektedir.

İş Yükü Detayları

# Etkinlik Adet Süre (Saat) İş Yükü
0 Course Duration 14 3 42
1 Course Duration Except Class (Preliminary Study, Enhancement) 14 2 28
2 Presentation and Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
3 Web Research, Library and Archival Work 14 1 14
4 Document/Information Listing 0 0 0
5 Workshop 0 0 0
6 Preparation for Midterm Exam 1 10 10
7 Midterm Exam 1 1 1
8 Quiz 0 0 0
9 Homework 0 0 0
10 Midterm Project 0 0 0
11 Midterm Exercise 0 0 0
12 Final Project 0 0 0
13 Final Exercise 0 0 0
14 Preparation for Final Exam 1 14 14
15 Final Exam 1 1 1