Ders Bilgileri
Kodu | Dönemi | Teori | Uygulama | Ulusal Kredisi | AKTS Kredisi | |
Saat / Hafta | ||||||
EKO102 | Spring | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 |
Ön Koşulu Olan Ders( ler ) | None |
Dili | en |
Türü | Required |
Seviyesi | Bachelor's |
Öğretim Elemanı( ları ) | Prof.Dr. Hüseyin M. YÜCEOL |
Öğretim Sistemi | Face to Face |
Önerilen Hususlar | None |
Staj Durumu | None |
Amacı | Analyzing general economic outlook and explaining macro economic theories; getting general knowledge about macro economic events and phenomenons related to actual subjects in economics. |
İçeriği | National accounts, economics growth, inflation and unemployment, Classical and Keynesian aprroaches in macroeconomics, total income and total expenditures, monetary, fiscal and foreign trade policies. |
Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları
# | Öğrenim Çıktıları |
1 | Define the basic concepts and principles, which are required for macro economic analysis. |
2 | Explain the basic macro economic theories. |
3 | Explain and measure national income, unemployment, inflation, growth and price index. |
4 | Analyse the emergence and changes of the natinal income equilibrium by the help of diagrams in the Classical, Keynesian and IS-LM models. |
5 | Explain the concept of multiplier, its measurement, features and limits while the expense items change. |
6 | Propose the economic policies which are applied to macro economic problems. |
7 | Evaluate the effects of monetary and fiscal policies. |
8 | Evaluate developments in the Turkish and in the world economy. |
Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği
# | Konular | Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri |
1 | History of macro economics, research areas and basic assumptions | Lectures, discussion |
2 | Economic fluctuations and the relationships between macro economic variables | Lectures, discussion |
3 | Measuring the capacities of economic activities and the concepts related to GNP | Lectures, discussion |
4 | Main macroeconomic problems and policy tools; economic growth, inflation, unemployment, internal/foreign debt, macroeconomic policy tools | Lectures, discussion |
5 | Determining the price and income level; aggregate demand, aggregate supply, macroeconomic equilibrium | Lectures, discussion |
6 | Determining the income level via total expenditure; Keynesian approach, stickness in prices, planned total expenditure in economics, investment expenditures | Lectures, discussion |
7 | Determining the income level via total expenditure; public expenditures, macroeconomic equilibrium, multiplier analysis | Lectures, discussion |
8 | Mid-term examination | Examination |
9 | Public budget and the fiscal policy | Lectures, discussion |
10 | Money and banking; the definition of money and its functions, money supply-money demand, banking system, check currency | Lectures, discussion |
11 | Theory of money and monetary policy | Lectures, discussion |
12 | Inflation; types of inflation, its effects on economy, inlation-unemployment trade-off, disinflation policies | Lectures, discussion |
13 | International trade; main theories, restrictive foreign trade policies, efforts to liberalize foreign trade | Lectures, discussion |
14 | Economic growth and development; determinants of economic growth, economic development | Lectures, discussion |
15 | Evaluations on the macroeconomic developments in Turkey and in the world | Lectures, discussion |
16 | Final Exam | Examination |
# | Malzeme / Kaynak Adı | Kaynak Hakkında Bilgi | Referans / Önerilen Kaynak |
1 | İktisada Giriş, Ed.Y. Bayraktutan, A.Kökocak, Lisans Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2010. | ||
2 | Ertek, Tümay, Temel Ekonomi, Beta Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2009 | ||
3 | Erdal Ünsal, İktisada Giriş, İmaj Yayınevi, Ankara, 2010. |
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi
# | Ağırlık | Çalışma Türü | Çalışma Adı |
1 | 0.4 | 1 | 1. Mid-Term Exam |
2 | 0.6 | 5 | Final Exam |
Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları ve Program Yeterlilikleri ile İlişkileri
# | Öğrenim Çıktıları | Program Çıktıları | Ölçme ve Değerlendirme |
1 | Define the basic concepts and principles, which are required for macro economic analysis. | 2 | 1͵2 |
2 | Explain the basic macro economic theories. | 2 | 1͵2 |
3 | Explain and measure national income, unemployment, inflation, growth and price index. | 2 | 1͵2 |
4 | Analyse the emergence and changes of the natinal income equilibrium by the help of diagrams in the Classical, Keynesian and IS-LM models. | 2 | 1͵2 |
5 | Explain the concept of multiplier, its measurement, features and limits while the expense items change. | 2 | 1͵2 |
6 | Propose the economic policies which are applied to macro economic problems. | 2 | 1͵2 |
7 | Evaluate the effects of monetary and fiscal policies. | 2 | 1͵2 |
8 | Evaluate developments in the Turkish and in the world economy. | 2 | 1͵2 |
Not: Ölçme ve Değerlendirme sütununda belirtilen sayılar, bir üstte bulunan Ölçme ve Değerlerndirme Sistemi başlıklı tabloda belirtilen çalışmaları işaret etmektedir.
İş Yükü Detayları
# | Etkinlik | Adet | Süre (Saat) | İş Yükü |
0 | Course Duration | 14 | 3 | 42 |
1 | Course Duration Except Class (Preliminary Study, Enhancement) | 14 | 1 | 14 |
2 | Presentation and Seminar Preparation | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | Web Research, Library and Archival Work | 14 | 1 | 14 |
4 | Document/Information Listing | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | Workshop | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | Preparation for Midterm Exam | 1 | 12 | 12 |
7 | Midterm Exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
8 | Quiz | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | Homework | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | Midterm Project | 0 | 0 | 0 |
11 | Midterm Exercise | 0 | 0 | 0 |
12 | Final Project | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | Final Exercise | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | Preparation for Final Exam | 1 | 18 | 18 |
15 | Final Exam | 1 | 1 | 1 |
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