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Mersin Üniversitesi

Ders Bilgileri

Kodu Dönemi Teori Uygulama Ulusal Kredisi AKTS Kredisi
Saat / Hafta
MLY315 Fall 2 1 3
Ön Koşulu Olan Ders( ler )
Dili en
Türü Elective
Seviyesi Bachelor's
Öğretim Elemanı( ları ) Yrd.Doç.Dr. H.Yasemin ÖZUĞURLU
Öğretim Sistemi Face to Face
Önerilen Hususlar None
Staj Durumu None
Amacı The aim of the course is to introduce students with the reasons of economy of the state assets and state-economy-oriented theoretical approaches and explain the relationship between the means of public finances around the presentation, use the format, the impact on economic and social structure and the results of the conceptual and theoretical evaluation of the main objective
İçeriği Basic concepts related to Public Finance, public expenditures, public revenues, taxation, debt and public budget of the state, reference to social, economic and financial aspects and impacts of the weight of the overall economic structure will be explained

Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları

# Öğrenim Çıktıları
1 To be able to analyze on the reasons and types of intervention of government to the economy
2 To be able to give sample on the theory of public goods and its types and features
3 To be able to analyze the developed theories about the reasons of increase in public expenditures
4 To be able to comment connected to the economic and social effects of public expenditures
5 To be able to define and evaluate concepts related to taxation
6 To be able explain the existence reasons of taxation and functions of taxation principles in detail.
7 To be able to analyze about the economic and social effects of taxes

Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği

# Konular Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri
1 The general explanations on public finance science: The subject of public finance, the method and approaches used in public finance science and the relationship between public finance and other sciences
2 The intervention reasons and types of government on economy
3 The features and operation of public economy
4 The theory of public goods: The features of public goods, the externality concept, the types
5 The definition and scope of public expenditures
6 The increase of public expenditures: the reasons of increase and explained the approaches the increase of public expenditures.
7 The classification of public expenditures: The various classification forms
8 Midterm
9 The scope and types of public revenues
10 Theoretical bases of taxation: Rationalist-İndividualistic State Opinion, Organic-Socialist State Opinion
11 Tax paying ability: Concept and determiner economic factors.
12 The classification of taxes
13 The concept of tax burden and tax incidence.
14 Types of taxes: Income taxes: Concept, techniques of taxation.
15 The economic and social effects of taxes
16 Final Exam


# Malzeme / Kaynak Adı Kaynak Hakkında Bilgi Referans / Önerilen Kaynak
1 Kamu Maliyesi Derleyen. .Ekrem Karayılmazlar,2011
2 Kamu Maliyesi Metin Erdem, Doğan Şenyüz, İsmail Tatlıoğlu,2011
3 Kamu Maliyesi Halil Nadaroğlu,1987

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi

# Ağırlık Çalışma Türü Çalışma Adı
1 0.4 1 1. Mid-Term Exam
2 0.6 5 Final Exam

Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları ve Program Yeterlilikleri ile İlişkileri

# Öğrenim Çıktıları Program Çıktıları Ölçme ve Değerlendirme
1 To be able to analyze on the reasons and types of intervention of government to the economy 3͵4͵6͵8 1͵2
2 To be able to give sample on the theory of public goods and its types and features 3͵6͵8 1͵2
3 To be able to analyze the developed theories about the reasons of increase in public expenditures 3͵5͵6͵9 1͵2
4 To be able to comment connected to the economic and social effects of public expenditures 3͵4͵6͵8 1͵2
5 To be able to define and evaluate concepts related to taxation 3͵4͵5͵6͵8 1͵2
6 To be able explain the existence reasons of taxation and functions of taxation principles in detail. 2͵3͵4͵6͵8 1͵2
7 To be able to analyze about the economic and social effects of taxes 3͵4͵6͵8͵9 1͵2

Not: Ölçme ve Değerlendirme sütununda belirtilen sayılar, bir üstte bulunan Ölçme ve Değerlerndirme Sistemi başlıklı tabloda belirtilen çalışmaları işaret etmektedir.

İş Yükü Detayları

# Etkinlik Adet Süre (Saat) İş Yükü
0 Course Duration 14 3 42
1 Course Duration Except Class (Preliminary Study, Enhancement) 14 1 14
2 Presentation and Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
3 Web Research, Library and Archival Work 14 1 14
4 Document/Information Listing 0 0 0
5 Workshop 0 0 0
6 Preparation for Midterm Exam 1 12 12
7 Midterm Exam 1 1 1
8 Quiz 0 0 0
9 Homework 0 0 0
10 Midterm Project 0 0 0
11 Midterm Exercise 0 0 0
12 Final Project 1 0 0
13 Final Exercise 0 0 0
14 Preparation for Final Exam 1 16 16
15 Final Exam 1 1 1