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Mersin Üniversitesi

Ders Bilgileri

Kodu Dönemi Teori Uygulama Ulusal Kredisi AKTS Kredisi
Saat / Hafta
JM363 Fall 1 3 3 3
Ön Koşulu Olan Ders( ler ) None
Dili en
Türü Elective
Seviyesi Bachelor's
Öğretim Elemanı( ları ) Prof. Dr. Cüneyt GÜLER
Öğretim Sistemi Face to Face
Önerilen Hususlar None
Staj Durumu None
Amacı Use computers to solve various geological problems and prepare professional reports, digitize coordinated and non-coordinated data obtained from various fields of geology, solve problems faced in various fields of geology using computers and analyze them, prepare various maps and draw contours using computer.
İçeriği Introduction to computer programs that are currently used for application and data analysis in different areas of geological engineering; introduction to drawing softwares; drawing geologic cross-sections, column sections, and geologic maps by using a drawing software; coordinate systems and GPS technology; introduction to mapping softwares; collection of GPS coordinate data from the field and plotting them using a mapping software; projection of topographic/geologic maps and satellite images in real-world coordinates and their digitization using a mapping software; making various calculations and preparation of maps for different purposes using a mapping software; preparation of 3D field models using a mapping software.

Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları

# Öğrenim Çıktıları
1 Defines computer programs that are currently used for research, application and data analysis in different fields of geological engineering
2 Defines drawing softwares and draw geologic cross-sections, column sections, and geologic maps using drawing software
3 Explains coordinate systems and GPS technology
4 Defines mapping softwares and collect GPS coordinate data from the field and plot them using mapping software
5 Digitizes topographic/geologic maps and satellite images using mapping software
6 Explains making different calculations and preparing maps for different purposes using mapping software
7 Creates 3D field model using mapping software
8 Analyzes and interprets geological data using computer software

Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği

# Konular Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri
1 Introduction of computer programs that are currently used for research, application and data analysis in different fields of geological engineering Lecture, discussion
2 Introduction of drawing softwares Lecture, discussion, guided practice
3 Drawing geologic cross-sections and column sections using a drawing software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
4 Drawing geologic maps using a drawing software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
5 Coordinate systems and introduction to GPS technology Lecture, discussion
6 Introduction to mapping softwares Lecture, discussion, guided practice
7 Collection of GPS coordinate data from the field and plotting them using a mapping software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
8 Mid-term exam Examination
9 Projection of topographic/geologic maps and satellite images in real-world coordinates using a mapping software. Lecture, discussion, guided practice
10 Digitization of topographic and geologic maps using a mapping software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
11 Digitization of satellite images using a mapping software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
12 Making length, perimeter, area, and volume calculations using a mapping software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
13 Design of slope, aspect and hillshade maps using a mapping software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
14 Design of 3D field model using a mapping software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
15 Drawing contours using a computer software Lecture, discussion, guided practice
16 Final exam Examination


# Malzeme / Kaynak Adı Kaynak Hakkında Bilgi Referans / Önerilen Kaynak
1 User Manual User manuals of different softwares

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi

# Ağırlık Çalışma Türü Çalışma Adı
1 0.4 1 1. Mid-Term Exam
2 0.6 5 Final Exam

Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları ve Program Yeterlilikleri ile İlişkileri

# Öğrenim Çıktıları Program Çıktıları Ölçme ve Değerlendirme
1 Defines computer programs that are currently used for research, application and data analysis in different fields of geological engineering 2͵4 1͵2
2 Defines drawing softwares and draw geologic cross-sections, column sections, and geologic maps using drawing software 2͵4 1͵2
3 Explains coordinate systems and GPS technology 2͵4 1͵2
4 Defines mapping softwares and collect GPS coordinate data from the field and plot them using mapping software 2͵4 1͵2
5 Digitizes topographic/geologic maps and satellite images using mapping software 2͵4 1͵2
6 Explains making different calculations and preparing maps for different purposes using mapping software 2͵4 1͵2
7 Creates 3D field model using mapping software 2͵4 1͵2
8 Analyzes and interprets geological data using computer software 2͵4 1͵2

Not: Ölçme ve Değerlendirme sütununda belirtilen sayılar, bir üstte bulunan Ölçme ve Değerlerndirme Sistemi başlıklı tabloda belirtilen çalışmaları işaret etmektedir.

İş Yükü Detayları

# Etkinlik Adet Süre (Saat) İş Yükü
0 Course Duration 14 4 56
1 Course Duration Except Class (Preliminary Study, Enhancement) 14 1 14
2 Presentation and Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
3 Web Research, Library and Archival Work 0 0 0
4 Document/Information Listing 0 0 0
5 Workshop 0 0 0
6 Preparation for Midterm Exam 1 1 1
7 Midterm Exam 1 1 1
8 Quiz 0 0 0
9 Homework 0 0 0
10 Midterm Project 0 0 0
11 Midterm Exercise 0 0 0
12 Final Project 0 0 0
13 Final Exercise 0 0 0
14 Preparation for Final Exam 2 1 2
15 Final Exam 1 1 1