Vocational School of Social Sciences

Mersin Vocational School, established in 1975 as being dependent on the Ministry of National Education, was affiliated with Mersin University in 1992 and started its academic year in 1993-1994. Upon the decision of the Mersin University Senate on February 8, under the reference number 2005/14, Mersin Vocational School is separated into the tracks of Technical and Social Sciences and Mersin Vocational School of Social Sciences was established by the agreement of General Board of Higher Education on May 6, 2005 according to the Article 7/d-2 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, changed with the Law No. 2880. Mersin Vocational School of Social Sciences has been in service for 35 years and it aims to educate and train qualified employees for the following fields:

1. The Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Services
   ■ Program of Tourism and Hotel Management
2. The Department of Tourism-Travel and Entertainment Services
   ■ Program of Tourism and Travel Services
3. The Department of Office Services and Secretarial Training
   ■ Program of Office Management and Executive Assistantship
4. The Department of Marketing and Advertising
   ■ Program of Marketing
5. The Department of Foreign Trade
   ■ Program of Foreign Trade
6. The Department of Management and Organization
   ■ Programs of Business Management
   ■ Logistics

   ■ Local Administration*
7. The Department of Accounting and Tax
   ■ Program of Accounting and Tax Applications.

8. Social Services and Consulting

   ■ Social Services


*Students have not been accepted.

Mersin Vocational School of Social Sciences includes 14 classes all with projectors, 2 computer laboratories, 1 conference hall. Additionally, there is a cafeteria serving lunch and a canteen established for the use of students.

    •   Contact
  • Department Address:
    Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, Mersin Üniversitesi, Çiftlikköy Kampüsü-33343, Yenişehir / Mersin
  • Dept. Secretarial Phone:
    +90 324 361 00 01 / 16903
    +90 324 3610303
  • Dept. Secretarial Fax:
    +90 324 361 08 88
  • Dept. Secretarial e-mail: sbmyo@mersin.edu.tr