School of Foreign Languages

Our school was established with the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 08.11.2001 and numbered 2001 / 3299, published in the Official Gazette dated 20 December 2001 and numbered 24616, and started its activities with the appointment of the Director on 24.01.2002. Before its establishment; foreign language education in our university was carried out by the Foreign Languages Department affiliated to the Rectorate of Mersin University, which was established on 3 July 1992 with the law numbered 3837.
Following a modern education-training philosophy, being loyal to Atatürk's Principles and Revolutions; the School of Foreign Languages, an important unit of Mersin University, which has made commendable progress in this regard, continues its efforts to contribute to the education-training policy that prioritizes scientific thought unconditionally with the foreign language education it provides.
Our Services
Our School, in addition to providing compulsory and optional English preparatory courses of our University, also conducts common compulsory foreign language courses, post-preparatory foreign language courses and vocational foreign language courses included in the curriculum of faculties, colleges and vocational schools.
As of the end of 2021, there are 75 academic staff in our School, including 2 Dr. Faculty Members and 73 Lecturers. 26 of our Lecturers work in other units of our University in accordance with Article 13/b-4 of Law No. 2547. In addition, there are 55 academic staff actively working in our School in 2021, including 3 Lecturers who are in other units of our University and work in our School in accordance with Article 13/b-4 of Law No. 2547. 1109 students receive foreign language preparatory education in 6 faculties with compulsory preparatory classes and 1 faculty and 3 vocational schools with optional preparatory classes at our University. Our School, which provides joint compulsory foreign language and professional foreign language education to 16 faculties, 3 colleges, 1 conservatory, and 7 vocational schools, continues its march towards the goal of gaining a distinguished place among Foreign Language Schools with its ever-developing, participatory, and sharing faculty staff.
Our Mission
To provide qualified language education to our students who continue the Foreign Language Preparatory Program as well as those who take Joint Compulsory Foreign Language Courses, and to equip them with the foreign language skills they will need in their academic and business lives; to guide them in accessing information, and to contribute to their development as scientifically minded, creative, sensitive to the country's problems, and productive individuals.
Our Vision
To achieve total quality in higher education with its physical structure, necessary technical infrastructure, and well-equipped academic staff, and to become one of the competent colleges in the field by creating resources that our students can access at any time in foreign language education.