Meetings and Publications
The Centre of Mediterranean Urban Studies, within the institutional goals, engaged in various meetings. These are:
- Colloquiums
- Mersin Friends of History Encounters
-Thursday Meetings
Centre organizes "Mersin Colloquium in History" every three years. With this event, sharing of new and original works for the Mersin and its district by an interdisciplinary approach is targeted. Colloquia;
-Provide to meet the domestic and foreign experts about Mersin and its’ region at common platform,
- Bring together history, archeology, architecture, urbanism, art history, geography and economics experts’ approaches and assessments from different disciplines for Mersin and its location Mediterranean geography,
-Prepare the ground for the development of new and original studies of Mersin and its’ region, create opportunities of local knowledge, culture and sharing of documents, provide sharing and keeping records of near history of Mersin and culture of life that told by local personalities and oral information/intangible heritage is nowhere to be registered.
Mersin Friends of History Encounters
By Mersin Friends of History Encounters, the works and experiences for the city's recent close history of Mersin are aimed to share.
At the meetings, the issues and volunteers that will work are chosen and these volunteers are supported by Mediterranean Urban Research Centre, on request, on the issues of methods, research and presentation. The studies are mainly chosen about family history, social history, neighborhood history, educational history, entertainment culture, urban development, highland life, etc of Mersin and its district.
Thursday Meetings
In accordance with responsibilities of Research Centre’s contributing to education, the meetings performed with Restoration and Conservation Centre in Faculty of Architecture, presentations with enriched visual materials and with question-and-response sections, both students and instructors had an interactive sharing platform."