
  Professor Ayşe Azman
Faculty of Humanities And Social Sciences .
20 March 1964 .
Business Address
Mersin Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü 33343 Yenişehir/ Mersin .
+90 -324-3610001 .
4683 .
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2015-10-09 07:59:39 .
Last Modification
2024-02-05 13:16:34 .
Researcher ID :
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Degree Department/Program Institute Year
Doctorate Thesis

1. A Political Journalist: Hüseyin Cahit Yalçınn, Supervisor: Dr. Necla Arat , İstanbul University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, General Journalism Department, İstanbul, Turkey, 1994.

Master Thesis

1. The Concept of Modernization in the Turkish Press in 1935, Supervisor: Dr. Baykan Sezer, İstanbul University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Journalism Department, İstanbul, Turkey, 1986.

Title Institute Year
PROF. DR. MERSIN UNIVERSITY 2022-08-08 - 2025-08-08
Title Dutie Institution/Other Year
2015-01-30 - 2018-01-30
2013-08-05 - 2016-08-05
2013-08-05 - 2016-08-05
2013-08-05 - 2016-08-05
2013-08-05 - 2016-08-05
2013-04-26 - 2016-04-26
International - Covered by ULAKBIM 0
1. ÇAKIR, H.; AZMAN, A. . IMGELEM (IMAGINATION), 2022, 6, 331-350. 0 + 0

International - publications.sections.8 550
6. Azman, A. My Teacher Baykan Sezer and My Intellectual Development. SOSYOLOGCA, 2022, 4, 113-123. 50 + 0
5. AZMAN, A. . SOSYOLOGCA, 2014, , 191-200. 100 + 0
4. Azman, A. From The End Of History And Sociality To The End Of Art: The Problem Of Representation And Reality In Art In The Post-Modern Era. SOSYOLOGCA, 2014, 7, 191-197. 100 + 0
3. Azman, A. Social Identity Readings Through Critical Texts. SOSYOLOJI ARASTRIMALARI DERGISI , 2013, 16,2, 63-83. 100 + 0
2. Azman, A. From the Istanbul of the Orientalists to the Istanbul of the Biennial . ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI SOSYOLOJI DERGISI, 2012, 24, 183-232. 100 + 0
1. Azman, A. “Niyazi Berkes: The Kemalist Modernization Model on the Axis of Nationalism-Revolution. ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI SOSYOLOJI DERGISI , 2008, 17, 31-48. 100 + 0
National - Covered by ULAKBIM 400
2. Azman, A. Press Poles of the Multi-Party Era. ISTANBUL UNIVERSERSITESI SOSYOLOJI DERGISI, 2006, 3, 19, 12-49. 200 + 0
1. Azman, A. Niyazi Berkes Mumtaz Turhan: “Two Views on Turkish Modernization. SOSYOLOJI ARASTRIMALARI DERGISI, 2001, 4,1, 29-46. 200 + 0
National - publications.sections.66 500
5. YETİM, N.; AZMAN, A. . DOGU BATI DUSUNCE DERGISI, 2006, 9, 175-192. 100 + 0
4. Azman, A. The Facial Lines of an Intellectual: Sabri F. Ülgener. DOGU BATI, 2006, 9,16, 175-194. 100 + 0
3. Azman, A. The Problem of Nationality and Cultural Heritage in the Turkish Bourgeoisie. DOGU BATI, 2006, 9,38, 203-226. 100 + 0
2. Azman, A. Empiricism Against Historicism and Mübeccel Belik Kıray. DOGU BATI, 2001, 4,16, 31-56. 100 + 0
1. Azman, A. Beyond the Non-Western Concept: The Construction of Modernity in Asia. MUHAFAZAKAR DUSUNCE DERGISI , 20, 2, 8, 199-214. 100 + 0
International - Scientific Book (Excluded Thesis) 0
1. ARSLAN, D.; AVCI, M.; AZMAN, A.; ARSLAN, G. Sağlık – Toplum – Bilim Akademik Araştırmalar, ISBN: 978-605-7691-65-1, Paradigma Akademi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 27 Page, Turkish, Çanakkale, Turkey, 2020. 0
National - Scientific Book (Excluded Thesis) 0
1. AZMAN, A. Sosyoloji ve Coğrafya, ISBN: 975-8334-37-9, Kızılelma, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 1017 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2006. 0
2. AZMAN, A. Baykan Sezer ve Türk Sosyolojisi, ISBN: 975-8334-26-3, KızılelmaYayıncılık, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 336 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2004. 0
3. AZMAN, A. Kalkınma ve Küreselleşme, ISBN: 975-8803-28-X, Bağlam Yayıncılık, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 219 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2004. 0
4. AZMAN, A. Türk Aydını ve Kimlik Sorunu, ISBN: 978-957-696-782, Bağlam Yayınları, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 501 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 1999. 0
5. AZMAN, A. Değişim Sosyolojisi, ISBN: 978-6055-5397-22-7, Kitabevi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 225 Page, Turkish, İSTANBUL, Turkey, 2011. 0
6. AZMAN, A. Türk Sosyologları ve Eserleri II, ISBN: 978-605-4208-64-7, Kitabevi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 242 Page, Turkish, İSTANBUL, Turkey, 2010. 0
7. AZMAN, A. Türkiye de Toplum Bilimlerinin Gelişimi II Sosyoloji Yıllığı 18, ISBN: 978-605-4208-09-8, Kitabevi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 306 Page, Turkish, İSTANBUL, Turkey, 2009. 0
8. YETİM, N.; AZMAN, A. Sosyoloji Yıllığı Genel Eğilimler ve Kurumsallaşma Türk Sosyologları ve Eserleri II, ISBN: 978-805-4208-64-7, KİTABEVİ, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 475 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2010. 0
9. AZMAN, A. SOSYOLOJİ GÜNLÜK YAŞAMI ANLAMAK, ISBN: 978-605-84547-7-4, paradiğma akademi yayınları, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 540 Page, Turkish, ÇANAKKALE, Turkey, 2016. 0
International - Full text - Oral 200

1. AZMAN, A., Özel Alan Kamusal Alan Ekseninde Göç Eden kadın Kimliği Mersin Örneği. 21. Yüzyılın Eşiğinde Kadınlar Değişim ve Güçlenme, 13- 16 Ekim 2009, Multidisipliner Kadın Kongresi,, 2009-10-13, 2013-10-16, İZMİR, Turkey, . 200

International - Abstract - Oral 200

2. AZMAN, A., Eleştiri Metinleri Üzerinden Toplumsal Kimlik Okumaları. Sanat, Kimlik, Etkileşim Sempozyumu, Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi, Türk Sanatı Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, 2010-05-10, 2010-05-13, İstanbul, Turkey, . 100

1. AZMAN, A., Göç Eden Kadının Kentsel Yaşam Deneyimi Zorluklar Beklentiler Uyum Sorunları Mersin İli Örneği. Women’s Studies in the New the Millennium, “Does the Future Belong to Us”, First International Conference on Women’s Studies, Eastern Mediterranean University: Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2009-04-29, 2013-04-30, Magusa, TRNC, . 100

National - Full text - Oral 265

3. ARSLAN, D.; ÇAĞLAYANDERELİ, M.; YETİM, N.; AZMAN, A., Mersin de Yaşam Kalitesi. Mersin Sempozyumu, 2008-11-19, 2008-11-22, Mersin, Turkey, . 65

2. AZMAN, A., İnternet Kullanımının Üniversite Öğretim Elemanlarının Bilgi Üretme Süreçleri ve Akademik İlişkiler Üzerindeki Etkisi. Bilişim Toplumuna Giderken Psikoloji, Sosyoloji ve Hukukta Etkiler Sempozyumu,, 2001-03-23, 2001-03-24, Ankara, Turkey, . 100

1. AZMAN, A., 1940 lı Yıllarda Türk Milliyetçiliğinin Farklı Görünümleri. Mersin Üniversitesi Tarih ve Milliyetçilik I.Ulusal Tarih Kongresi, 1997-05-29, 2010-05-28, Mersin, Turkey, . 100

National - Abstract - Oral 100

2. AZMAN, A.; ERTONG ATTAR, G., Bugün Tütengil’den Neler Öğrenebiliriz?. 9. Sosyoloji Kongresi, 2019-09-18, 2019-09-21, ANKARA, Turkey, . 50

1. AZMAN, A., Askeri Müdahaleler ve Toplumsal İttifaklar. 7 Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2001-11-21, 2001-11-23, Ankara, Turkey, . 50

National - Researcher 50

3. , projects.kurumlar.14, Project Number: , 1000 TL, Researcher, Continue... 0

2. Innovation and Innovative Actors: Mersin example, BAP, Project Number: 1653539, 5000 TL, Researcher, 2012,Completed. 50

1. Difficulties and Expectations of Migrant Women (Icel Province Example), , Project Number: 88377, 15 TL, Researcher, 2001,Completed. 0

National - projects.gorevler.8 0

3. , projects.kurumlar.12, Project Number: , TL, projects.gorevler.8, 2020,Completed. 0

2. Child's World, projects.kurumlar.12, Project Number: 48393, 407000 TL, projects.gorevler.8, 2013,Completed. 0

1. , projects.kurumlar.12, Project Number: , 407000 TL, projects.gorevler.8, 2013,Completed. 0

Supervised Master Theses 3800

21. Hakan Akman , Globalization and its opponents in terms of mass and political power relations, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

20. Öğün Akçalı , The place of sports in the social adaptation processes of prisoners in prison, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

19. Sebile Eskili , The body-affirmation movement: reflections of positive body image on Instagram, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

18. Nida Kunu Tamam , Discussions on the women's issue within the framework of post-1980 modernization theory, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

17. Hazhar Sabah Othman, The founding of modern Iraq in the post-colonial world: political structure and problems, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

16. Funda Kaya, The absurd reflections of modernism: criticism of modernity in European and Turkish theater, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

15. Rozay Budak , Mandatory femininity and masculinity experiences of transgender people and their identity construction processes, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

14. Ömer Beyazyıldız, Women's Counseling Centers in solving women's problems: The case of Adıyaman, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

13. Nazire Büyükgürses, On-campus feminism as a student movement: The case of Mersin University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

12. Pelin Özüölmez, An analysis on the way gender is handled in print advertisements: Red awards, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

11. Nevin Uzel , The Discursive Construction of Nationalism Through Mythology-Folklore: Comparison of Turkish and Kurdish Nationalisms, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

10. Münnever Arıkan , Music as a tool of identity and opposition in post-1950 Turkey, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

9. Asuman Demiray, Representation forms of violence against women and patriarchal ideology in newspaper news (Cumhuriyet, Zaman…), Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

8. Filiz Bengül, A theoretical study on class and gender, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

7. Hüseyin Şen , DISCUSSIONS ON DEMOCRACY IN MURAT DOCUMENT AS A REFLECTION OF CIVIL SOCIETY APPROACH IN TURKEY, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

6. Cevdet Doğan , A transformation project based on the relationship between state, society and market in 1980s Turkey: Liberalism, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

5. Ercan Balcıoğlu , Türkiye-EU relations in terms of political and social aspects, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

4. Nihat Güneş, The problem of cultural alienation in Turkey from modernism to postmodernism, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

3. Esra İlkkurşun , Turkish private television broadcasting in the context of global and local culture, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

2. MUSTAFA DÖNMEZ, , Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 0

1. EMİNE HATUNOĞLU, , Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 0

Supervised Doctorate Theses 800

3. Mehmet Tahir Karaboğa , The phenomenon of consumption in television series in the context of media sociology and the consumption effect of TV series on individuals., Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 400

2. Halil Çakır , Comparison of blue-collar and white-collar retirement in the context of generational sociology, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 400

1. MÜNEVVER ARIKAN, , Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 0

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