Academic Staff

  Professor Yusuf Gürhan Topçu
Faculty of Communication .
Business Address
Mersin Üniversitesi Iletişim Fakültesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü 33343 Yenişehir/ Mersin .
+90 -324-3610223 .
5534 .
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2015-08-05 12:28:04 .
Last Modification
2024-01-31 12:11:52 .
Researcher ID :
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Point :

Degree Department/Program Institute Year
Title Dutie Institution/Other Year
2023-02-16 - Continue
2019-10-10 - Continue
2023-08-01 - 2026-07-31
2023-06-22 - 2026-06-22
2023-04-06 - 2026-04-06
2022-11-04 - 2024-11-04
2022-07-12 - 2025-07-12
2022-07-12 - 2025-07-12
2022-07-12 - 2025-07-12
2022-07-12 - 2025-07-12
2021-09-17 - 2024-09-17
2021-03-09 - 2024-03-09
2021-03-09 - 2024-03-09
2020-07-23 - 2023-07-23
2020-07-23 - 2023-07-23
2020-02-23 - 2024-02-23
2020-02-23 - 2024-02-23
International - Covered by Other International Indexes 400
2. Özsoy, A.; Doğan Topçu, A.; Topçu, Y. Friendship of Middle Class Women in Films of Atıf Yılmaz. ILETISIM, 2002, 15, 41-60. 200 + 0
1. Topçu, Y. Vampire Women in Bram Stoker's Dracula. ILETISIM, 2001, 10, 127-145. 200 + 0
National - Covered by ULAKBIM 200
1. Kacur, M.; Topçu, Y.; Güllü, K. Spectator's Perception of Local TVs: Case Study Kayseri. AKADEMIA, 2010, 3, 109-123. 200 + 0
International - Book Edited 125
1. TOPÇU, Y. Communication Science Studies, ISBN: 9786052586167, Akademisyen Kitapevi, Number of print: , Total Printing Number: , Page, English, , , 2019. 0
2. DOĞAN TOPÇU, A.; TOPÇU, Y. İletişim Çalışmaları Bildiri Tam Metin Kitabı, ISBN: 978-605-258-093-6, Akademisyen Yayınevi, Number of print: , Total Printing Number: , Page, Turkish, , , 2018. 0
1. Topçu, Y.; Doğan Topçu, A. Communication Studies, ISBN: 9786052581063, Akademisyen Kitapevi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1, 219 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2018. 125
International - Scientific Book (Excluded Thesis) 125
1. TOPÇU, Y. Communication Science Studies, ISBN: 9786052586167, Akademisyen Kitapevi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 254 Page, English, Ankara, Turkey, 2019. 0
National - Chapter(s) in Book 1125
1. Topçu, Y. Visual Text Analysis, ISBN: 9786055580360, Ütopya, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 413 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2012. 0
2. Topçu, Y. Narration and Genre in Cinema, ISBN: 9756768533, Vadi, Number of print: 2, Total Printing Number: 1000, 334 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2004. 0
3. Topçu, Y. Beyazperdeyi Aydınlatan Kuramlar, Sinema Kuramları 2, ISBN: 9786054554119, Su, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 304 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2013. 250
4. Doğan Topçu, A.; Topçu, Y. Perdeyi Aralamak, ISBN: 9786053143000, Ayrıntı Yayınları, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 400 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2018. 125
5. Topçu, Y. 20th Century of Kayseri, ISBN: 9786054658008, Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 390 Page, Turkish, Kayseri, Turkey, 2012. 0
6. Topçu, Y. There is Life in the Cinema, ISBN: 9789944492621, Deki, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 348 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2012. 0
7. Topçu, Y. Korku Kitabı, ISBN: 9786054907342, Kitapevi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 750, 678 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2014. 250
8. Topçu, Y. New Direction in Turkish Film research, ISBN: 9786055809539, Bağlam, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 376 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2013. 0
National - Book Edited 1125
1. TOPÇU, Y. İletişimde Güncel Çalışmalar, ISBN: 9786052588840, Akademisyen Kitapevi, Number of print: , Total Printing Number: , Page, Turkish, , , 2020. 0
2. TOPÇU, Y.; DOĞAN TOPÇU, A. İletişim Bilimleri Çalışmaları II, ISBN: 9786052585863, Akademisyen Kitapevi, Number of print: , Total Printing Number: , Page, Turkish, , , 2019. 0
3. TOPÇU, Y.; BÜKER, A. Sinema: Tarih-Kuram-Eleştiri, ISBN: 9786053759256, İthaki Yayınevi, Number of print: , Total Printing Number: , Page, Turkish, , , 2019. 0
1. Topçu, Y. Cinema History Theory Criticism, ISBN: 2789785857129, Kırmızı Kedi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 337 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2010. 250
2. Topçu, Y. Reconsidering Hollywood, ISBN: 9789944492485, deki, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 190 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2010. 250
National - Scientific Book (Excluded Thesis) 1125
1. DOĞAN TOPÇU, A.; TOPÇU, Y. Perdeyi Aralamak (Filmlerde Anlatı ve Eleştiri), ISBN: 978-605-314-300-0, Ayrıntı Yayınları, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 400 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2018. 0
International - Full text - Oral 1600

8. Yalçın İncik, E.; Topçu, Y.; Yağlıoğlu, A., UZAKTAN EĞİTİM PROGRAMLARINDA ÖĞRENİM GÖREN ÖĞRENCİLERİN BU PROGRAMLARA İLİŞKİN GÖRÜŞLERİ (MERSİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ MESLEK YÜKSEKOKULU ÖRNEĞİ). Multicongress 2. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmaları Kongresi, 2018-05-04, 2018-05-05, Adana, Turkey, 2018. 200

7. TOPÇU, Y.; DOĞAN TOPÇU, A., SANAT SİNEMASI VE TÜR: MODERN BİR MELODRAMOLARAK “KUTSAL GEYİĞİN ÖLÜMÜ”. II.Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmaları Kongresi, 2018-05-04, 2018-05-05, , , . 200

6. Topçu, Y.; Doğan Topçu, A., SANAT SİNEMASI VE TÜR MODERN BİR MELODRAM OLARAK “KUTSAL GEYİĞİN ÖLÜMÜ”. Multicongress 2. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, 2018-05-04, 2018-05-05, Adana, Turkey, 2018. 200

5. YALÇIN İNCİK, E.; TOPÇU, Y.; YAĞLIOĞLU, A., Uzaktan Eğitim Programlarında Öğrenim Gören Öğrencilerin Bu Programlara İlişkin Görüşleri (Mersin Üniversitesi Meslek Yüksekokulu Örneği). II. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, 2018-05-02, 2018-05-04, , , . 200

4. Topçu, Y., TRANSFORMATION OF FEMALE CHARACTERS IN HOLLYWOOD'S ACTION MOVIES MAD MAX FURY ROAD . International Woman Congress, 2016-11-14, 2016-11-16, Ankara, Turkey, 2016. 200

3. Topçu, Y., Kadın Yönetmen, Eril Bakış, The Babadook’da Bastırılanın Dönüşü. Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Kadın Araştırmaları, 2015-04-09, 2015-04-11, Adana, Turkey, 2015. 200

2. Topçu, Y., Türk Korku Filmlerinde Kadının Sunumu. Uluslararası-Disiplinlerarası Kadın Çalışmaları Kongresi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2009-03-05, 2009-03-07, Sakarya, Turkey, 2009. 200

1. Topçu, Y., Transgressing Boundaries: Genies in Turkish Horror Film. There Be Dragons Out There: Confronting Fear, Horror and Terror, 2008-09-02, 2008-09-06, oxford, England / United Kingdom, 2009. 200

International - Abstract - Oral 200

2. TOPÇU, Y., Representation of Women in Dogma 95 Films . 2. Literature and Cultural Studies Conference, 2016-05-11, 2016-05-13, İzmir, Turkey, 2016. 100

1. Topçu, Y.; Doğan Topçu, A., Different Illusions Different Worlds: An Intersection. Miniature Aesthetic in Cenneti Beklerken. Framing Film-Cinema and Visual Arts, 2009-09-04, 2009-09-06, Winchester, England / United Kingdom, 2009. 100

National - bilimsel-toplantilar.icerikTurleri. - Oral 0

1. TOPÇU, Y.; DOĞAN TOPÇU, A., Oscar’da Kadın Yönetmenin Adı Yok: The Hurt Locker’xxda Cinsietçi İdeoloji. Kadaum Ulusal Kongre, 2018-11-28, 2019-01-30, , Turkey, . 0

National - Manager 100

1. Mersin University Publicity Film in 4K Format and Audio Visual Production Infrastructure Project, BAP, Project Number: 2017-2-AP5-2323, 100000 TL, Manager, 2017,Completed. 100

Supervised Master Theses 800

4. Veysel Akşahin, Narrative construction in documentary cinema: The sample of Michael Moore, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Erciyes University, Completed. 200

3. Turgay Kural, Musical and ideology in the Turkish cinema after by the 2000's: Ezel Akay's cinema, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Erciyes University, Completed. 200

2. Furkan Acır, The function of public relations in forming ideologies the example of 2009 Local Elections, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Erciyes University, Completed. 200

1. Mehmet Köprü, SCREEN AESTHETIC IN THE CINEMA AS OBJECTIVITY DELUSION AND DEFAMILIARIZATION EFFECT, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Erciyes University, Completed. 200

Supervised Doctorate Theses 400

1. Yunus Namaz, Multimodal analysis of Postcolonial discourse in Ousmane Sembene's cinema, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Erciyes University, Completed. 400

International 2000
1. SINECINE , EDITOR, E-ISSN : 13095838, 2015-05-01 - 2016-05-31. 2000
National 500
National Journal [Year, Count] 0
1. TRT AKADEMI , [ 2015 : 1 ] . 0
2. TRT AKADEMI , [ 2016 : 1 ] . 0

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