Academic Staff

  Professor Sergül Vural Kara
Faculty of Humanities And Social Sciences .
Business Address
Mersin Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü 33343 Yenişehir/ Mersin .
+90 -324-3610001 .
4675 .
2015-11-18 14:54:36 .
Last Modification
2024-09-07 22:20:03 .
Researcher ID :
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web of science
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Point :

Degree Department/Program Institute Year
Doctorate Thesis

1. German and Turkish Particles. A contrastive Analysis., Supervisor: Dr. Prof. Dr. Gerhard STICKEL, Others, Others, German Language and Literature Department, Mannheim, Germany, .

Master Thesis

1. The woman portrait in Schiller, Shaw and Brecht Jeanne d'Arc romans, Supervisor: Dr. Prof.Dr. Jochen HÖRISCH, Others, Others, German Language and Literature Department, Mannheim, Germany, .

Title Dutie Institution/Other Year
2014-12-18 - 2017-12-18
2014-12-18 - 2017-12-18
2014-12-18 - 2017-12-18
2014-12-18 - 2017-12-18
International - SCI/SCI-Expanded category 7000
7. VURAL KARA, S. Specialized Linguistic Terminology as Translation Problem. A German-Turkish Investigation. MUTTERSPRACHE, 2014, 124, 173-179. 1000 + 0
6. VURAL KARA, S. Relevance of the Reference Receiver in the linguistic Structure of Translation Textes A German-Turkish Investigation. MUTTERSPRACHE, 2011, 121, 212-219. 1000 + 0
5. VURAL KARA, S. Language Line Business politeness in German and their equivalents in Turkish. MUTTERSPRACHE, 2010, 120, 110-117. 1000 + 0
4. VURAL KARA, S. Possibilities and limitations in dealing with translation problems on the basis of the language pair German-Turkish.. MUTTERSPRACHE, 2010, 120, 233-242. 1000 + 0
3. VURAL KARA, S. Comparative linguistics and Translations of stylistic elements in German and Turkish language. MUTTERSPRACHE, 2009, 119, 305-314. 1000 + 0
2. VURAL KARA, S. Reproduction possibilities of complex sentences from German to Turkish. MUTTERSPRACHE, 2008, 118, 307-321. 1000 + 0
1. VURAL KARA, S. Metaphors of the Germans and their reproduction possibility in Turkey. MUTTERSPRACHE, 2007, 117, 237-246. 1000 + 0
International - Covered by Other International Indexes 1400
8. VURAL KARA, S. Professional Translator and Social Media.. BEITRAEGE ZUR FREMDSPRACHENFORSCHUNG, 2020, 62, 57-69. 200 + 0

7. Güler, G. Translator Studies in the focus of sociology of translation. ROUTE EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 2019, 6 (11), 804-815. 0 + 0
6. VURAL KARA, S. Translation History (Turkey). MERSIN UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2019, cilt 6, 94-101. 200 + 0

5. VURAL KARA, S. Evaluation of Language Usage of Theatre Texts Translations in the Light of L'Avare de Moliere. ULUSLARARASI SOSYAL ARASTIRMALAR DERGISI, 2015, 8/36, 267-273. 200 + 0
4. VURAL KARA, S. Looking for equivalence in literary translation. BALIKESIR UNIVERSITESI SOSYAL BILIMLER ENSTITUSU DERGISI, 2012, 15/27, 391-402. 200 + 0
3. VURAL KARA, S. Translation: Transfer source text concepts versus target language forms. CUKUROVA UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2006, 3/26, 211-221. 200 + 0
2. VURAL KARA, S. Connotative Equivalence in turkish-german translation. CUKUROVA UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2004, 2/27, 76-81. 200 + 0
1. VURAL KARA, S. Christian lexems as a translation problem in german-turkish translation process. CUKUROVA UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI, 2003, 2/24, 9-19. 200 + 0
International - publications.sections.8 200
International - publications.sections.62 100
1. VURAL KARA, S. Intralingual Translation As A Tool For Trace The Cultural Past: Determinations Based On The Diaries Of Poet Nigâr . JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 2024, 10, 837-850. 100 + 0

National - Covered by ULAKBIM 400
2. VURAL KARA, S. The relation of source and target text on the basis of the translation from diplomacy texts. MERSIN UNIVERSITESI DIL VE EDEBIYAT DERGISI, 2007, 4/1, 43-55. 200 + 0
1. VURAL KARA, S. Variations of Syntax in Turkish as Equivalence of German Modal Partical Functions . ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI ALMAN DILI VE EDEBIYATI, 2003, 15/2003, 89-100. 200 + 0
International - Book 3250
1. VURAL KARA, S. Aspects of the text translation German Turkish, ISBN: 978-3-631-59839-9, Peter Lang, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 100, 153 Page, German, Frankfurt a.M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, Germany, 2010. 1000
2. VURAL KARA, S. Contrasting German and Turkish Translations, ISBN: 3-631-53559-7, Peter Lang, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 100, 222 Page, German, Frankfurt a.M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, Germany, 2005. 1000
International - Chapter(s) in Book 3250
1. VURAL KARA, S. Kamuran Şipals (1926-2019) Life and work: Portait of an icon of the german-turkish translation world, ISBN: 978-9940-46-012-9, IVPE, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1, 13 Page, German, Cetinje-Montenegro, Montenegro, 2020. 250
2. VURAL KARA, S. Melahat Özgüs (1906-2001) Life and Work: Portait of a Translator in time of social change, ISBN: 978-9940-540-97-5, IVPE, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1, 12 Page, German, Cetinje-Montenegro, Montenegro, 2019. 500
3. VURAL KARA, S. Translation methods in Ahmet Ümit's Patasana, ISBN: 978-3-8325-4600-7, Logos Verlag, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 100, 13 Page, German, Berlin, Germany, 2017. 500
International - Book Translated 3250
1. VURAL KARA, S. Etik. Bir Giriş., ISBN: 9786257757119, Kitapyurdu, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 120 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2020. 0
2. VURAL KARA, S. Teknoloji Felsefesine Giriş, ISBN: 978-625-7757-97-3, Kitapyurdu, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 132 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2021. 0
International - Scientific Book (Excluded Thesis) 3250
1. VURAL KARA, S. Academic Studies in Philology, ISBN: 978-9940-540-97-5, IVPE, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 12 Page, German, Montenegro, Montenegro, 2019. 0
2. VURAL KARA, S. Sosyal Bilimlerde Akademik Çalışmalar, ISBN: 978-9940-46-012-9, IVPE, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 13 Page, German, Montenegro, Montenegro, 2020. 0
National - Chapter(s) in Book 800
1. VURAL KARA, S. German and English Translation Analysis of Sabahattin Ali's Roman Kürk Mantolu Madonna, ISBN: 978-605-2238-03-5, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1, 24 Page, German, Sakarya, Turkey, 2018. 250
2. Vural Kara, S. Akademik Çeviri Eğitimi Araştırmaları, ISBN: 978-625-8009-76-7, Paradigma Akademi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 100, 14 Page, Turkish, Çanakkale, Turkey, 2021. 250
National - Book Translated 800
1. Vural Kara, S. Philosophie der Technik-eine Einführung, ISBN: 978-625-7757-97-3, Kitapyurdu, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 100, 132 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2021. 100
2. Vural Kara, S. Ethics, ISBN: 9786257757119, Kitapyurdu, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 100, 120 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2020. 100
National - Chaper(s) in Book (Translated) 800
1. VURAL KARA, S. Translation Paradigma, ISBN: 9786059143288, Hiperlink, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1, 186 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2016. 50
2. VURAL KARA, S. Translation Paradigma, ISBN: 9786059143288, Hiperlink, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1, 186 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2016. 50
National - Scientific Book (Excluded Thesis) 800
1. VURAL KARA, S. Akademik Çeviri Eğitimi Araştırmaları, ISBN: 978-625-8009-76-7, paradigma akademi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 14 Page, Turkish, Çanakkale, Turkey, 2021. 0
2. VURAL KARA, S. Prof. Dr. İlyas Öztürk’e Armağan: Kültürlerarası Çalışmalar, ISBN: 978-605-2238-03-5, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 620 Page, German, Sakarya, Turkey, 2018. 0
International - Full text - Oral 3600

18. VURAL KARA, S., Cumhuriyetin Kuruluşuna Katkı Sunan Türkiye'nin İlk Cumhurbaşkanı Eşi Latife Hanım'ı Saygıyla Anmak. XII. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Konferansı, 2023-03-24, , , Georgia, . 200

17. VURAL KARA, S., Türk Çeviri Tarihinde Öncü İki Kadın Çevirmenin Karşılaştırmalı Portresi: Nigar Hanım ve Fatma Aliye Hanım. XIII. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Konferansı, 2023-03-24, , , Georgia, . 200

16. ÖZER, N.; VURAL KARA, S., Kültürel Diplomaside Çevirinin Konumu: Türkiye Örneği. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu, 2022-12-02, , İzmir, Turkey, . 200

15. KOÇ, Ş.; VURAL KARA, S., Türk Gotik (Korku) Edebiyatının Gelişiminde Uyarlama Çeviri Eserlerinin Etkisi. XII. International Conference On Social Research and Behavioaral Sciences, 2022-11-12, , Antalya, Turkey, . 200

14. ÖZER, N.; VURAL KARA, S., THE STATUS OF TRANSLATION ETHICS IN THE TRANSLATION FIELD. II. International Ethics Congress, 2021-02-05, , Ankara, Turkey, . 200

13. VURAL KARA, S., Sektörel Değerlendirmeler Işığında Yerelleştirme Ve Yapay Zeka Uygulamaları. XV. International Conference on Social Research and Behavioral Sciences, 2024-07-27, 2024-07-28, Antalya, Turkey, . 200

12. VURAL KARA, S., Profesyonel Çeviri Eser Yayıncılığının Sahne Arkasındaki Kahramanları: Editörler ve Redaktörler. XV. International Conference on Social Research and Behavioral Sciences, 2024-07-27, 2024-07-28, Antalya, Turkey, . 200

11. VURAL KARA, S., Türk Çeviri Tarihinde Öncü İki Kadın Çevirmenin Karşılaştırmalı Portresi: Nigar Hanım ve Fatma Aliye Hanım. XIII. Uluslararası Soayal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Konferansı, 2023-03-24, 2023-05-26, Antalya, Turkey, 2023. 200

10. VURAL KARA, S., Cumhuriyetin Kuruluşuna Katkı Sunan İlk Cumhurbaşkanı Eşi Latife Hanım'ı Saygıyla Anmak. XIII. Uluslararası Soayal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Konferansı, 2023-03-24, 2023-03-26, Antalya, Turkey, 2023. 200

9. Özer, N.; Vural Kara, S., Kültürel Diplomaside Çevirinin Konumu: Türkiye Örneği. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu (2-3 Aralık 2022 İzmir), 2022-12-02, 2022-12-03, İzmir, Turkey, 2022. 200

8. KOÇ, Ş.; VURAL KARA, S., Türk Gotik (Korku) Edebiyatının Gelişiminde Uyarlama Çeviri Eserlerinin Etkisi. XII. International Conference on Social Research and Behavioral Sciences, November 12-13, 2022 Antalya/Turkey, 2022-11-12, 2022-11-13, Antalya, Turkey, 2022. 200

7. Özer, N.; Vural Kara, S., The Status of Translation Ethics in the Translation Field / Çeviri Etiğinin Günümüz Çeviri Dünyasındaki Yeri. II. International Ethics Congress, 2021-02-05, 2021-02-06, Ankara, Turkey, 2021. 200

6. VURAL KARA, S., Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat ve Çeviribilim: Kültürler ve Dillerarası Etkileşim Alanları. . V. Uluslararası Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Kongresi. Yerel Bağlamlar Küresel Yakınlıklar. Edebiyatta, Kültürde ve Sanatta Geçişler, Yenileşmeler , 2014-10-16, 2014-10-18, Mersin, Turkey, 2015. 200

5. VURAL KARA, S., Çeviri Eğitiminin Hedefleri ve Sorunları. Uluslararası Çeviri Kolokyumu, 2009-12-10, 2009-12-11, İstanbul, Turkey, 2009. 200

4. VURAL KARA, S., Das interkulturelle Kommunikationsmittel Translation im Wandel der Zeit.. XI.Türkischer Internationaler Germanistik Kongress, 2009-05-20, 2009-05-22, İzmir, Turkey, 2010. 200

3. VURAL KARA, S., Schiller, Shaw ve Brecht'in Jeanne d'Arc eserlerindeki kadın imgesi.. I. Uluslararası Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Sempozyumu, 2003-10-15, 2003-10-17, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2003. 200

2. VURAL KARA, S., Germanistik in der Türkei: Stand und Ausblick.. Tagungsbeitraege des VIII. Türkischen Germanistikkongresses, 2003-05-22, 2015-11-23, Sakarya, Turkey, 2003. 200

1. VURAL KARA, S., Relevanz der kontrastiven Linguistik für den Fremdsprachenunterricht. I. InternationalesTroja Symposium für Spracherziehung und Schulentwicklung, 2002-06-22, 2002-06-25, çanakkale, Turkey, 2002. 200

Supervised Master Theses 200

1. Pervin ALKOK, Idioms as atranslation problem, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

Supervised Doctorate Theses 400

1. Gamze GÜLER, Translator and Publishers in a Translation Sociology Context, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 400

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