Academic Staff

  Asst. Professor Aytekin Keskin
Faculty of Humanities And Social Sciences .
01 January 1963 .
Business Address
Mersin Üniversitesi Insan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü 33343 Yenişehir/ Mersin .
Mobile Phone
+90 -555-2512043 .
+90 -324-3610001 .
14671 .
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Alternative e-mail
2016-01-26 21:21:22 .
Last Modification
2024-02-29 16:24:59 .
Researcher ID :
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Degree Department/Program Institute Year
Doctorate Thesis

1. Problem cases of equivalence in dictionary work. -Using the example of German words derived with “self-” and “vor-” and their equivalents and lexical innovations in Turkish-, Supervisor: Dr. Prof. Dr. Vural ÜLKÜ, Çukurova University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, German Language Education Department, Adana, Turkey, 1997.

Master Thesis

1. Problems with the reproduction of the grammatical (basic) terms of German in Turkish, Supervisor: Dr. Prof. Dr. Vural ÜLKÜ, Çukurova University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Foreign Language Education (GERMAN Language Teaching) Department, Adana, Turkey, 1992.

National - Covered by ULAKBIM 2600

12. Keskin, A. University tradition and botanical garden trying to reach another with translation. IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2018, 8, 61-67. 200 + 0

11. Keskin, A. Immigration Case with the Witness's Expression: Ernst Reuter's Years to Turkey as an Economist and Politician. IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2016, 66, 14-25. 200 + 0


10. Keskin, A. German Science Migration to Turkey : German Scientists in Darülfünun. IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2015, 56, 48-53. 200 + 0

9. Keskin, A. Perception of Problems and Troubleshooting in the "self" and " foreign " relations. IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2015, 54, 49-57. 200 + 0

8. Keskin, A. Philosophical Considerations obituaries in German and Turkish. FELSEFELOGOS, 2015, 57, 189-210. 200 + 0

7. Keskin, A. The world of thought at Oya Baydars novels: Scientific literature analysis. TURK DILI, 2012, 727, 65-71. 200 + 0

6. Keskin, A. Orientalism or "European mind is superior !". IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2012, 27, 81-89. 200 + 0

5. Keskin, A. Translation Teaching and Translation didactics in the shadow of Translation Studies. TRAKYA UNIVERSITESI SOSYAL BILIMLER DERGISI , 2011, 2, 229-248. 200 + 0

4. Keskin, A. Fictional reality an autobiographical narrative: "Sweet Tea" - . LITTERA EDEBIYAT YAZILARI, 2009, 25, 291-300. 200 + 0

3. Keskin, A. Translatability of cultures the example of proverbs and sayings.. EGE ALMAN DILI VE EDEBIYATI ARASTIRMALARI DERGISI, 2002, Özel Sayı, 207-220. 200 + 0

2. Keskin, A. bilingual lexicography and equivalence problems between languages. CUKUROVA UNIVERSITESI SOSYAL BILIMLER DERGISI, 1998, 5, 229-242. 200 + 0

1. Keskin, A. Language Actual Phenomena and Status of Turkish. CUKUROVA UNIVERSITESI SOSYAL BILIMLER DERGISI, 1992, 8, 128-140. 200 + 0

National - Other 100
1. Keskin, A. The Threat of Political Communication and Migration of German Science Economists in Turkey. IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2017, 7, 67-76. 100 + 0

National - publications.sections.8 100
1. KESKİN, A. . FELSEFELOGOS, 2015, 19, 189-210. 100 + 0
National - publications.sections.42 500
6. KESKİN, A. . IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2017, , 66-76. 100 + 0
5. KESKİN, A. . IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2015, , 49-54. 100 + 0
4. KESKİN, A. . IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2015, , 48-53. 100 + 0
3. KESKİN, A. . IKTISAT VE TOPLUM, 2013, 3, 81-89. 100 + 0
2. KESKİN, A. . CUMHURIYET KITAP, 2012, , 4-4. 0 + 0
1. KESKİN, A. . TURK DILI, 2012, , 65-71. 100 + 0
National - publications.sections.66 200
3. KESKİN, A. . ARTI, 2017, 1, 3-7. 50 + 0
2. KESKİN, A. . EDEBIYAT HABER, 2017, , -. 100 + 0
1. KESKİN, A. . ACILIM, 2006, 2, 43-45. 50 + 0
International - Chapter(s) in Book 1000
1. Keskin, A. New trends and future prospects of the German language and the German language in Turkey, ISBN: 978-3832215897, Shaker Verlag, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 500, 330 Page, German, Aachen, Germany, 2003. 250
2. Keskin, A. Language Communication-understanding. German language that connects us., ISBN: 978-3832215897 ?, Universitätsverlag “Hll. Kyrill und Method”, , Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 624 Page, German, Veliko Tarnova, Bulgaria, 2002. 250
3. Keskin, A. Foreign Language Teaching and the position of the Germans in Turkey, ISBN: 978-3826593956, Shaker Verlag , Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 336 Page, German, Aachen, Germany, 2001. 500
International - Scientific Book (Excluded Thesis) 1000
1. KESKİN, A. Fremdsprachenunterricht und die Stellung des Deutschen in der Türkei, ISBN: 3-8265-9395-2, Shaker Verlag, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 15 Page, Turkish, Aechen, Germany, 2001. 0
2. KESKİN, A. İNSAN-TOPLUM-BİLİM 2, ISBN: 978-605-06753-8-2, MER-AK AKADEMİ, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 88 Page, Turkish, Mersin, Turkey, 2020. 0
National - Chapter(s) in Book 1025
1. Keskin, A. German Language and Literature and Culture Studies: Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Salihoğlu :, ISBN: 9944137621, Barış Kiitapevi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 500, 449 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2012. 0
National - Book Edited 1025
1. KESKİN, A. Uluslararası Gelişmeler ve Türkçenin Durumu, ISBN: 975-7216-09-7, Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği Mersin Şubesi, Number of print: , Total Printing Number: , Page, Turkish, , , 2005. 0
2. KESKİN, A. 6. Germanistik Sempozyumu -Açılımlar, Olanaklar ve Erekler-, ISBN: 975-6900-00-8, Mersin Üniversitesi, Number of print: , Total Printing Number: , Page, German, , , 1998. 0
1. Keskin, A. 6th Symposium of Germanistik in Turkey, ISBN: 975-6900-00-8, Mersin Üniversitesi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 428 Page, German, Mersin, Turkey, 1998. 250
2. Keskin, A.; Demir, A. International activities and Turkish, ISBN: ISBN 975 -7216 – 09 – 7, Mersin Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 238 Page, Turkish, Mersin, Turkey, 2005. 125
National - Book Translated 1025
1. KESKİN, A. Almanya'da Türk Kültürü Çok kültürlülük ve Kültürlerarası Eğitim, ISBN: ISBN/SKU: 9786053992523, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 389 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2012. 0
2. Keskin, A. Turkish Culture in Germany: multiculturalism and intercultural education, ISBN: 9786053992523, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 10000, 389 Page, Turkish, İstanbul, Turkey, 2012. 100
National - Chaper(s) in Book (Translated) 1025
1. Keskin, A. German Idealism II: HEGEL, ISBN: 978-605-5063-01-6, Doğubatı, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 794 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2014. 50
2. KESKİN, A. ESTETİK, ISBN: 978-625-8123-80-7, DoğuBatı, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 704 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2024. 0
National - Research Book (Excluded Thesis) 1025
1. Keskin, A. We do not learn the Turkish language. Why?, ISBN: 978-9944-137-47-8, Barış Kitapevi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 2000, 169 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2010. 500
National - Scientific Book (Excluded Thesis) 1025
1. KESKİN, A. Sorum Var! Türkçeyi Öğretemiyoruz. Neden?, ISBN: ISBN 978-9944-137-47-8, Barış Kitap, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 198 Page, Turkish, ANKARA, Turkey, 2010. 0
1. KESKİN, A. Gezgin Filozof Uluğ Nutku, ISBN: 978-605-196-518-5, Çizgi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: 1000, 20 Page, Turkish, Konya, Turkey, 2020. 0
2. KESKİN, A. Alman Dili ve Kültürü Üzerine Araştırmalar: Prof. Dr. Hüseyin SALİHOĞLU Armağanı, ISBN: 978-9944-137-60-7, Barış, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 479 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2011. 0
3. KESKİN, A. 6. GEMANİSTİK SEMPOZYUMU: AÇILIMLAR, OLANAKLAR ve EREKLER, ISBN: 975-6900-00-8, Zuhal Ofset, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 10 Page, German, MERSİN, Turkey, 1998. 0
4. KESKİN, A. Alman Dili ve Kültürü Üzerine Araştırmalar. Prof. Dr. H. Salihoğlu Armağanı, ISBN: 978-9944-137-60-7, Barış Kitap, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 479 Page, Turkish, Ankara, Turkey, 2010. 0
5. KESKİN, A. ULUSLARARASI GELİŞMELER ve TÜRKÇENİN DURUMU -SORUNLAR ve OLANAKLAR-, ISBN: 975-7216-09-07, Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 26 Page, Turkish, Mersin, Turkey, 2004. 0
6. KESKİN, A. Wilfried Buch'un Anısına - Wilfried Buch zum Andenken, ISBN: 975,, Mersin Üniversitesi, Number of print: 1, Total Printing Number: , 6 Page, Turkish, MERSİN, Turkey, 1994. 0
International - Full text - Oral 400

2. KESKİN, A., Çeviribilim Yayınlarında Sorunlar ve Post-Olgusallık. 3. Uluslararası Mersin Sempozyumu,-3. International Mersin Symposium,, 2019-10-31, 2019-11-01, Mersin, Turkey, . 200

1. KESKİN, A., Von Sprachkultur zur Wörterbuchkultur in Bezug auf auf die lexikalischen Innovationen (Deutsch-Türkisch). Germanistiktreffen: Sprache-Kommunikation-Verstaendigung: Deutsch - Die Sprache, die uns verbindet: Fachsprachen und Fachsprachenunterricht, 2000-06-22, 2000-06-24, Veliko TARNovo, Bulgaria, . 200

International - Abstract - Oral 100

1. Keskin, A., Metin Oluşturma Dayanağında Çeviri Öğretiminde Sorunlar ve Olanaklar: Türkçe-Almanca Dil Çifti Örneğinde Ampirik bir Çalışma. 3. Uluslararası Mersin Sempozyumu, 2019-10-31, 2019-11-02, Mersin, Turkey, 2019. 100

National - Full text - Oral 100

1. KESKİN, A., Die kontrastive Wortschatzanalyse und die zweisprachige Lexikographie (Deutsch-Türkisch)’Vorbereitungsproblematik zur Erstellung eines intendierten türkisch-deutschen Gebrauchswörterbuchs-. 6. Germanistik Sempozyumu (Açılımlar-Olanaklar ve Erekler), 1997-10-27, 1997-10-28, Mersin, Turkey, . 100

Supervised Master Theses 1000

5. Emra BÜYÜKNİSAN, Term Translation in Political Texts (German-Turkish) -Problems and Possibilities-, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

4. Osman Sabri GÖKNUR, The Place of Translation in Teaching German as a Foreign Language, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

3. Zeynep BAKANER, The Problem of Equivalence in Subtitle Translations -German-Turkish- (A Descriptive Study on the example of Untergang and Stalingrad films), Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

2. Mehmet Ali KÖTÜĞ, Child Relativity as a Translation Problem in Interlingual Translations of Dede Korkut Stories, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

1. Sevda BEKAR, The Concept of Interdisciplinarity as a Problem in Translation Studies, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200

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