Academic Staff
Degree | Department/Program | Institute | Year |
2000 | |||
2009 |
Title | Dutie | Institution/Other | Year |
2015-01-14 - 2018-01-14 |
2. Mizrak, O.; Mamedov, K.; Akhtyamov, A. Characteristic Properties of Scattering Data of a Boundary Value Problem. FILOMAT, 2017, 31, 3945-3951. 1000 + 0
1. Kirr, E.; Mızrak, Ö. Asymptotic stability of ground states in 3D nonlinear Schrodinger equation including subcritical cases. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 2009, 257, 3691-3747. 1000 + 40
Times Cited: 8
1. Yilmazturk, M.; Mızrak, Ö.; Küçükaslan, M. Deferred Statistical Cluster Points of Real Valued Sequences. UNIVERSAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2013, 1, 1-6. 200 + 0 http://
1. Mızrak, Ö. Asymptotic stability of ground states of quadratic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with potential in 4D. CUMHURIYET SCIENCE JOURNAL, 2014, 35, 31-42. 100 + 0
1. MIZRAK, Ö.; KIŞOĞLU, H.; SÖĞÜT, K., Creation of the charged spin-1/2 particles by external electric and magnetic fields.. IMCOFE 2018, 2018-07-24, 2018-07-26, Barcelona, Spain, 2018. 200
11. KIŞOĞLU, H.; MIZRAK, Ö.; SÖĞÜT, K., Motion of Klein Gordon Particles In External Fields via Asymptotic Iteration Method. 4th International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Contemporary Mathematics Conference – IFSCOM2017, 2017-05-03, 2017-05-07, Mersin, Turkey, . 100
10. KIŞOĞLU, H.; MIZRAK, Ö.; SÖĞÜT, K., Motion of Klein Gordon Particles in External Fields via Asymptotic Iteration Method. IFSCOM, 2017-05-03, 2017-05-07, Mersin, Turkey, 2017. 100
9. MIZRAK, Ö.; KIŞOĞLU, H.; SÖĞÜT, K., Derivation of the Ladder Operators for spin-1/2 Particles Moving in a Magnetic Field. 4th International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Contemporary Mathematics Conference – IFSCOM2017, 2017-05-03, 2017-05-07, Mersin, Turkey, . 100
8. Mızrak, Ö.; KIŞOĞLU, H.; SÖĞÜT, K., Derivation of the Ladder Operators for spin-1/2 Particles Moving in a Magnetic Field. IFSCOM, 2017-05-03, 2017-05-07, Mersin, Turkey, 2017. 100
7. KANGAL, E.; MIZRAK, Ö.; SÖĞÜT, K., Exact Solutions of the DKP Equation for an Isotropic Robertson-Walker Metric. IFSCOM, 2017-05-03, 2017-05-07, mERSİN, Turkey, 2017. 100
6. Kısıkoğlu, H.; Mızrak, Ö.; Söğüt, K., Exact solutions of Dirac equation in the presence of space-dependent electric and magnetic fields. International Conference on Quantum Science and Applications, 2016-05-25, 2016-05-27, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2016. 100
5. MIZRAK, Ö.; Mamedov, K.; Akhtyamov, A., Bir Sınır Değer Probleminin Saçılma Verilerinin Karakteristik Özellikleri. International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences, 2015-11-05, 2015-11-07, Antalya, Turkey, 2015. 100
4. Mızrak, Ö., On Linearization of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Potential. V. Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematicak Union, 2014-09-08, 2014-09-12, Batumi, Georgia, 2014. 100
3. Mızrak, Ö., On the Asymptotic Stability of Bound States in 4D Quadratic Schrödinger Equation. Theory of Approximation of Functions and its Applications, 2012-05-28, 2012-06-03, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine, 2012. 100
2. Kirr, E.; Mızrak, Ö., Asymptotic Stability of the Ground States of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Applications, 2010-09-15, 2010-09-20, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2010. 100
1. Kirr, E.; Mizrak, O., Asymptotic Stability of Ground States in NLS. SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (NW08), 2008-07-21, 2008-07-24, Roma, Italy, 2008. 100
1. Yılmaztürk, M.; Mızrak, Ö.; Küçükaslan, M., Reel Terimli Dizilerin Deferred İstatiksel Değme Noktaları. 8. Ankara Matematik Günleri, 2013-06-13, 2013-06-14, Ankara, Turkey, 2013. 50
2. Ömer YAZAR, d'Alambert Formula for the Wave Equation Defined On The Finite Interval, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Mersin University, Continue. 200
1. Özlem TÜRKMENOĞLU, ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOUR OF THE EIGENFUNCTIONS OF HIGHER ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Mersin University, Completed. 200