Department of Graphics

Mersin University Fine Arts Faculty, depending on the section in the degree program was established in 1992, it began with a 20-person quota in 1994-1995 academic year. Candidates must have high school and equivalent school diploma, you must have received sufficient basis points from the University Entrance Examination. 2 in the special skills section of the exam students admitted professors, assistant professors and 2 and 2 has a total of six faculty members, including lecturers. Faculty of Fine Arts in the building Part 3 graphics workshop, workshop 1 computer, 1 photo studio. In addition, the departments of the faculty shared 1 printmaking workshop, design workshop 1 and 3 are used in the classroom. All classrooms and an internet access and projection workshops.

Section 'visual communication and creative problem-oriented train designers capable of producing original solutions’ aimed. Course content prepared in this goal; According to today's evolving and changing conditions içeriklendiril new courses have been taken into the program. Students are given in eight semesters in the program (240 ECTS) must have successfully completed all the courses. Training time is 8 semesters, education language is Turkish, is a full-time mode of operation. The subjects in the curriculum, to semester. In the first year, excluding common mandatory courses on basic art education, drawing, photography, typography, such as History of Art classes and workshops, theoretical courses such as Introduction to Art Concepts is given as required. First-class training programs, in general, carries an introduction for custom graphic arts and design. The second class in Graphic Design Studio, Typography, Photography, Drawing, Elective Course (Printmaking-Imaging), computer training courses, practical workshops environment; Aesthetics, Art History, Visual Communication courses are also offered as theoretical. Students raise awareness with the general information in terms of technical content and graphic design, graphic design requirements for supporting experimental work in the third year, they will receive theoretical and practical lessons with içeriklendiril have both created projects. Specifically, theoretically supported Advertising Graphics, Industrial Graphics and elective group of projects implemented in workshops as presented in Illustration and Printmaking in is based on the possibilities of students of a design problem in the approaches and of creating solutions. Workshop courses, as well as Graphic Production Techniques, History of Graphic Design and two separate Elective located in Philosophy of Art in the course group, History of Civilization, Mythology, Art Sociology, Visual Cultural History of Contemporary Art and Interpretation, semiotics concepts, the theoretical courses such as Semantics students are supported . Interactive training courses in computer and multimedia facilities, and projects are evaluated in terms of technical content with. Students Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, Indesign, Illustrator, the teaching of computer programs such as 3D Max is the content of this course again. Last year students of 3 groups of elective courses offered suggestions. Basic workshop courses electives in the first group of Advertising Graphics, Industrial Graphics, Publishing Graphics Free Graphics; Digital Illustration electives in the second group, Advertising Photography, Web Design, Printmaking, Typography, Portfolio; Advertising electives in the third group of theoretical lessons and Marketing, Visual Text Analysis, Design Management, Research Methods, Media Analysis is located lessons. Students can choose each of these courses like the one period only have the right to choose in both periods. Each student chooses the basic workshop courses, he faces a topic with the course content 'Graduation Project' prepares. At the end of two semesters completed projects are evaluated. Students who successfully complete this assessment has been successful in other courses, they will be eligible to graduate.

Graduates, advertising, printing, media, web publishing industry in private and public organizations within the scope of graphic designers can work as art director or consultant. They can continue the work of building their own personal art and design workshops. It may be academics in the relevant sections of higher education. Graduate education in related fields' can continue with the Master's program.

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    Mersin Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Çiftlikköyü Kampüsü 33343 Yenişehir/MERSİN
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    +90 324 361 00 01 / 5008
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