Department of Foreign Language Education


1-General Information

The Department of Foreign Language Education, English Language Teaching program started its activities with 30 students with the opening of the Faculty of Education in the 2000-2001 academic year. In addition to the daytime education program, the evening education program began with 42 undergraduate students in the 2002-2003 academic year and continued until the 2015-2016 academic year. The English Language Teaching program gave its first graduates in the 2003-2004 academic year. In addition to undergraduate graduates, the mission of training teachers in our department continues with the English Language Teaching Certificate Programs launched in the 2005-2006 academic year. Besides, there are Erasmus +, Farabi, and Mevlana Exchange Programs Coordinatorships in our department. Erasmus+ Coordinatorship provide active mobility within the scope of student and academic staff exchange. Since 2015, 79 students in our program have had tertiary education in different countries.

2- Information about Academic and Administrative Staff

Associate Professor 


Assistant Professor Dr.




Research Assistant, PhD.


Administrative Staff





3-Opportunities for Students

Our department continues its education with its 366 students in the undergraduate program at the Faculty of Education building on the Çiftlikköy Campus. Graduates who complete the English language teaching undergraduate program are awarded a bachelor's degree in English Language Teaching.

4- Graduate Education Opportunities

The doctorate program was added in the fall semester of 2008-2009 to the graduate programs opened firstly with the Master's program in the fall semester of 2001-2002.  The Master's  program has restarted to accept  student admissios by 2023-2024 academic year. In the forthcoming years, with the fulfilment of the required conditions of faculty members for the programs it is planned to re-activate the  doctorate programs to accept students again.

5- Other Information

Our department carries out an education plan aiming at training teachers, lecturers, and academicians in the field of English Language Education. In the program, in addition to the courses aiming to improve the pedagogic knowledge, there are also courses that reinforce the content knowledge. In addition to the compulsory courses, there are also elective courses offered to students to choose according to their preferences. 

Publications in International Scientific Journals(last two years)

7. Dündar, E.; Sümbül, M. . CULTURE AND EDUCATION: CULTURA Y EDUCACIóN, 2024, 36, 942-969.
6. Alkış küçükaydın, M.; çopur, E.; Altunkaynak, M.; Yıldız, B.; TürkmenoÄŸlu, M.; Ulum, H.; Ulum, Ã. . SAGE OPEN, 2024, 14, -.
5. Ulum, Ã. . PLOS ONE, 2024, 19, -.
4. Ulum, Ã. . ASIAN WOMEN, 2024, 40, -.
3. Dündar, E. . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 2024, 59, -.
2. Adıgüzel, M. . JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS, 2023, 222, 58-71.
1. Alkış küçükaydın, M.; Ulum, Ã.; Ulum, H. . EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION JOURNAL, 2023, , -.

    •   Contact
  • Department Address:
    EÄŸitim Fakültesi, Yabancı Diller EÄŸitimi Bölümü Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü, TR-33150, Mersin, Türkiye
  • Dept. Secretarial Phone:
    +90 0324 3610001 / 11016
  • Dept. Secretarial Fax:
    +90 324 3412823
  • Dept. Secretarial e-mail: