Department of Educational Sciences


1)     General Information:

The general purpose of the Department of Educational Sciences, which is one of the five departments opened without a student with the establishment of Mersin University Faculty of Education in 1999 is to educate education experts, academicians and prospective teachers who are competent in their field, support the principles of lifelong learning, have scientific, democratic and ethical values, use technology effectively and can communicate effectively. The department aims to give lectures in the field of vocational knowledge in all of the teacher education programs and Pedagogical Formation Certificate Training Programs, to provide graduate education in the field of education, to organize educational activities such as in-service training, conferences, seminars, etc. for relevant stakeholders and to carry out innovative theoretical and applied research and studies in the field of educational sciences.

The Department of Educational Sciences offers four sub-departments. These are Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Administration and Guidance and Psychological Counselling. The Department of Educational Sciences did not admit students for approximately three years after its first opening, started its master degree education in Guidance and Psychological Counselling program in the 2001-2002 academic year. In 2002-2003, the department both completed the academic structuring and began to admit the first students for undergraduate program of Psychological Counselling and Guidance.

In the Department of Educational Sciences, there are 4 graduate classrooms, 1 of which is assigned to each sub-department and 2 seminar rooms allocated to the Department of Educational Sciences. In addition, there is a "Psychological Counselling Practice Unit" consisting of a total of 8 practice rooms, 6 individual and 2 group rooms, used to conduct the courses within the scope of "Individual and Group Psychological Counselling Practices" in the undergraduate and graduate programs of the department of Guidance and Psychological Counselling. In addition, a "Measurement and Evaluation Unit", which is formed in order to contribute to the measurement and evaluation needs of both the departments of Education Sciences and other departments of the faculty of education, continues its activities.

2- Information about Academic and Administrative Staff

Professor Dr.


Associate Professor Dr.


Assistant Professor Dr.


Research Assistant, PhD.




Research Assistant


Administrative Staff





3- Opportunities for Students

Depending on the Department of Educational Sciences, 4 sub-departments are responsible for teaching vocational courses to prospective teachers studying in the teacher education undergraduate programs and pedagogical formation education program. In addition, the Department of Guidance and Psychological Counselling is the only unit with an undergraduate program. In addition, all sub-departments give lectures, seminars, etc. for prospective teachers on different topics and organize educational activities. Furthermore, within the scope of the practical courses free psychological counselling services are offered by the "Psychological Counselling Practice Unit".

4- Graduate Education Opportunities

Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Administration and Guidance and Psychological Counselling sub-departments conduct both master’s and doctorate programs. In addition, students are actively admitted to the Curriculum and Instruction and Guidance and Psychological Counselling non-thesis master’s programs.

5- Other Information

“Psychological Counselling Application Unit” within the department of Guidance and Psychological Counselling, contributes both to Guidance and Psychological Counselling undergraduate and graduate programs and to the practice courses in the master’s programmes (with thesis and non-thesis) of Family Education and Counselling, which is a multidisciplinary department.

Publications in International Scientific Journals(last two years)

12. Akdeniz uysal, D.; Yiğit, R.; Uzun, N. . SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY NURSING, 2024, 40, 1-10.
11. Erkan, Z.; Kılıç, F.; Tezcan yanar, S. . SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY, 2024, 52, 1-11.
10. Güler, M.; Bozkur, B.; Güler, H. . PSIHOLOGIJA, 2024, 57, 475-489.
9. Bozkur, B.; Yetim, . . ARCHIVES OF WOMEN'S MENTAL HEALTH, 2024, 27, 77-87.
8. Karaköse, T.; Kardaş, A.; Kanadlı, S.; Tülübaş, T.; Yıldırım, B. . BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 2024, 14, -.
7. Haıdarı, S.; Karakuş, F.; Kanadlı, S. . EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH REVIEW, 2024, 44, -.
6. Erkan, Z.; Kılıç, F.; Tezcan yanar, S. . SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 2024, 52, -.
5. Haidari, S.; Karakuş, F.; Kanadlı, S. . EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH REVIEW, 2024, , -.
4. Bozkur, B. . ANNALS OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2023, 39, 112-118.
3. Uslu gülşen, F.; şahin, E. . WILEY, 2023, 60, 3840-3857.
2. özgün güçlü, S.; çapri, B. . CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, 2023, 42, 7125-7134.
1. Bozkur, B.; Güler, M. . STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA, 2023, 65, 86-101.

    •   Contact
  • Department Address:
    Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Çiftlikköy Yerleşkesi, Yenişehir / MERSİN
  • Dept. Secretarial Phone:
    +90 324 3610001
  • Dept. Secretarial Fax:
    +90 324 341 28 23
  • Dept. Secretarial e-mail: