Individual Psychological Counseling
Through individual counseling sessions, we offer the opportunity to discuss personal, social, educational and professional issues and problems concerning one's own development in a confidential and safe environment with competent experts in these fields.
We work in partnership with our clients to identify their personal problems and achieve the goals we set together. If necessary, we refer our clients to another specialist or unit within the university for psychiatric, medical or social services.
General Principles of Individual Psychological Counseling Application and Counseling Process
1. Only students enrolled at Mersin University can benefit from individual counseling services.
2. Individual psychological counseling service is free of charge, as in other services.
3. The application and process of individual counseling is voluntary.
4. Individual interviews are kept confidential in accordance with professional ethical rules.
5. Applications for individual counseling can be made by phone, e-mail or in person.
6. E-mail applications are responded to within two business days at the latest. In this case, clients must specify the appropriate day and time for the pre-interview appointment.
7. Students who wish to receive individual psychological counseling services are first scheduled for a pre-interview.
8. Pre-interviews are held with the specialist who can receive the application as soon as possible.
9. Under normal circumstances, ongoing individual interviews continue with the specialist who conducted the pre-interview.
10. In the pre-interview, whether the client will receive services from the Counseling and Psychological Counseling Center or what kind of service the client will benefit more from, and the day and time of the interview are mutually agreed upon.
11. As a result of mutual evaluation, if deemed appropriate, the client may be referred to another specialist or unit/institution.
12. If the pre-interview or individual interview appointments are full, clients are placed on a waiting list.
13. In cases of emergency, a new arrangement other than referral to the waiting list may be made, provided that the client has specifically reported this. In cases where the declaration of emergency is inappropriate, the client's application will be referred to the waiting list as in normal circumstances.
14. Applications made directly to the specialists themselves by any means are not accepted. These applications are directed to the waiting list of the counseling center.
15. If the client specifically prefers to meet with one of the specialists at the Counseling and Psychological Counseling Center, he/she must indicate this preference during the pre-interview. This preference is evaluated together with the pre-interviewed specialist.
16. Individual interviews are scheduled once a week for 45 minutes.
17. Clients who cannot attend their appointments should inform the relevant specialist at least 1 day in advance.
18. A client who fails to show up for his/her appointment twice in a row without giving notice forfeits the day and time reserved for him/her. Afterwards, he/she re-applies for an individual interview appointment and is directed to the waiting list again.
19. Experts cannot be asked for additional time outside of the designated individual interview hours.
20. In cases of late arrival to the interview caused by the clients,
. If the delay does not exceed the first 15 minutes, the individual call will continue for the remaining time.
- If the delay exceeds the first 15 minutes, the individual call is automatically canceled.
- An extension of the duration of the individual interview cannot be requested under any circumstances.
21. Delays caused by the specialist will be compensated appropriately, depending on the reason for the delay.
22. Clients can benefit from the center 1 time during their education life and can receive a maximum of 10 individual interviews.