Group Psychological Counseling

In groups consisting of 8-12 sessions with an average of 10-12 members, participants have the opportunity to get to know and understand their feelings, thoughts and behaviors, lifestyles and relationships more closely. Therefore, we offer our group members the opportunity to increase their awareness of their inner world and relationships, to develop new behaviors and different ways of communication, and to contribute to their individual development through practices offered in a safe environment.

 General Principles of Group Counseling Application and Counseling Process

 1. Only students enrolled at Mersin University can benefit from group counseling services.

 2. As with other services, group counseling is free of charge.

 3. The application and process of group counseling is voluntary.

4. The group counseling process is kept confidential in accordance with professional ethical rules.

5. Each group activity is limited to 10-12 members.

 6. Group counseling activities to be offered at the center are announced at the beginning of each academic year with the place, day and time determined by the PDRM.

 7. Students who wish to receive group counseling services are first pre-interviewed.

 8. Applications for group counseling can be made by phone, e-mail or in person.

9. E-mail applications are responded to within two business days at the latest. In this case, clients will be informed of the appropriate day for the pre-interview appointment.

 10. Pre-interviews are conducted together with the relevant group leader (expert).

 11. Whether the client will receive group counseling services or what kind of service the client will benefit more from is determined in a way to be agreed upon during the pre-interview.

 12. As a result of mutual evaluation, if deemed appropriate, the client may be referred to another group, specialist or unit/institution.

 13. If the number of members to join the group is full, no more members are accepted to that group.

 14. Group counseling is planned to last 90 minutes and 1 day a week.

 15. Under normal circumstances, continuous participation in group work is observed. Clients who will not be able to participate in group work in the relevant week should notify the relevant group leader (specialist) at least 1 day in advance.

 16. Group members share information about group work only within that group.

 17. Since the principle of confidentiality is observed in the group counseling process, each group member does not share the shares of other group members in any way and with anyone outside the group.

 18. Group members can participate in only 1 of the groups opened in an academic semester.

    •   Contact
  • Department Address:
    Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü Vadi Tesisleri Üstü Yenişehir/MERSİN
  • Dept. Secretarial Phone:
    +90 03243610001 / 35481
  • Dept. Secretarial e-mail: