Working Principles

The aims of the Center are as follows:


a) To conduct research, practices, consultancy and provide trainings in the field of psychological counseling and guidance in Turkey and abroad in cooperation with the relevant academic units of the university.


b) To provide psychological counseling and guidance services for university students to get to know themselves, to make healthy decisions, to gain problem solving and communication skills, to increase their course success, to benefit from university opportunities at the maximum level, to adapt to university life; to provide psychological counseling and guidance services to help their social, emotional, cognitive and career development.

    •   Contact
  • Department Address:
    Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü Vadi Tesisleri Üstü Yenişehir/MERSİN
  • Dept. Secretarial Phone:
    +90 03243610001 / 35481
  • Dept. Secretarial e-mail: